Have a great meeting!

I caught myself the other day saying “Have a great meeting!” to a colleague, as we parted ways. This was a sincere gesture on my part, a well-wishing for the work day. She looked at me like I had gone absolutely battty. Friends! Is this what we’ve come to? Is it true, with this particular form of engagement at work we call “meeting,” that it’s inconceivable to have a good time? I’m asking you to look into this.

Are we having fun yet? (and, thanks for Flickr Creative Commons for the image)

I’m not interested in having you force a particular experience.  Nor is this a suggestion that any given meeting has only one quality to it.  I simply invite you, throughout this week as you partake of any meetings you happen to have, to ask yourself the following: What kind of time am I having?

Let this be a quick kind of check-in. No need to make anything more of it, just simply note a one- or two-word answer that captures the essence of a given “meeting moment.” If you can, come back after a day or two and give us your results. What do you discover, with this experiment? Does the “great meeting” exist?


5 thoughts on “Have a great meeting!

  1. Hi. I love your blog and I wanted you to know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Keep up the good work!

    The Liebster, which means ‘favorite’ in German, is a way to recognize your favorite blogs that have fewer than 200 followers. What a great and supportive way to get the word out about up and coming blogs!

    When you receive the Liebster award, you are supposed to do the following:

    Choose five up and coming blogs to give the Liebster award to. Blogs must have less than 200 followers.
    Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
    Post the award on your blog.
    List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites. Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know they’ve received the award.
    Share five random facts about yourself.

    Cheers! ~ Hoda

  2. Meetings are a real challenge for me. long history of unpleasant experiences, so this is an area that I will have to bring some awareness to.

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